Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Back from Alabama. Sorry, no banjo.

I had an amazing four-day weekend with a dear friend in Alabama. I have much to share, from the cheese extravaganza to the vampire ballerina, but I'm exhausted and buried with work and life and other hazards right now. We hired two staffers this week, thank God! (Cue the applause and fireworks.) That means I can become one person again instead of three. Starting next Monday! One of the hires is a photographer I worked with at The Lubbock Avalanche-Journal. We made quite a team back then, and I'm looking forward to working with her again.

That's it for now. Pray for me, friends. I'm tired, body and soul.


Mary Sue said...

I'm glad you had fun & VERY glad that Baylor finally hired 2 people. Take care & get some rest. I'll talk to you soon. Mama

Robin said...

I'm so disappointed that there's no banjo.

Maybe I could bring one to work instead of a disco ball.

I am leaving the hockey pucks that I've been hit with while on the job at home. Everyone seems to want to touch them for some reason.

Happy days are here.