Trying to put the finishing touches on a long and arduous semester. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and offering up the one thing that's given me a little holiday joy this week. Enjoy!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
Flowers for a dog: It's not barking mad
I used to silently mock people who treated their pets like people, who pampered them and dressed them and spent hundreds of dollars to keep them alive in situations more dire than this. "It's just an animal," I used to think. "Get a little perspective." I just didn't get people who were devastated by the death of their pet. Let me tell you something: Having my little friend with me for the past 10 months has taught me a lot about having a judgmental spirit. Bella has brought great joy to my heart during a stressful, difficult season. She reminds me what pure love is, and she makes me laugh when the world makes me want to cry. She has reminded me that you never really understand what someone's going through unless you've walked the same road. Now I understand those people I used to inwardly mock. I understand the love for an animal that makes you weep when you think they've died. And the same lesson applies to any number of situations. Single parenting is harder than married or single people can fathom. Difficult marriages are harder than happily married people or single people can imagine. Singleness is harder than happily or unhappily married people can believe. We are so, so quick to judge. Bella has taught me more about humility and extending grace to others than I ever would have dreamed.
So thank you, little one. And thanks for the flowers, Auntie Lee.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Bella survives head-on collision with minivan
My beautiful pup got hit by a minivan last night after she darted out the front door. Scared her poor mama to death. More later on her condition. Before her brush with death, she annihilated my computer's power cord, so my minutes are numbered.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Tapping my inner Michelangelo

Enter: drunken painting.
Turns out Alabamans relax by purchasing cheap wine and doing Monet impersonations. When I visited this summer, I thought I'd give it a whirl. (The painting, not the drinking.) There is a nifty little business called Sips n Strokes. You arrive with a beverage of your choosing and check your artistic insecurity with the coat girl. You are commissioned a small set of brushes, a cardboard palette (with stern instructions to start with no more than two pumps of each color) and - the piece de resistance - your own paint-splattered smock or apron worn by the last 200 tipsy customers who regretted not spending more of their youth at renaissance festivals or hookah lounges.
Our task: paint a ballerina. No men showed up for this particular lesson, though I'm assured they do attend when the image is less threatening to their masculinity. There were about 15 women stationed at long tables and small, tabletop easels with white canvases. The instructor demonstrated each step in the evolution of the ballerina, and surprisingly enough, four hours later there were a couple dozen rosy-cheeked artists proudly displaying 15 very distinct bipeds in tutus.
I think the Alabamans are onto something.

Friday, October 17, 2008
Pool of water + cell phone = no more talky
I was distracted when Bella barfed in my car while I was cruising down I-35. E-mail me your phone number if you want to talk. When I get a new phone, I'll let you know.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Baylor, media and lots of pink ink
Forget the presidential debate. The news was all about Baylor today. Late last night The New York Times posted a story, based on The Lariat story my students broke last week. They ran our editorial cartoon in the print edition and online today. The Chronicle of Higher Education and Inside Higher Ed both ran stories on the Baylor debacle, too. The Dallas Morning News and Fort Worth Star-Telegram both ran the Times story online today. The blogosphere is going nuts. I have no comment on the content of the stories. I'm just proud of the students who are doing professional-level journalism and scooping local and national media outlets. Watch The Lariat for continued coverage. Thursday's story is amazing.
And now let's move on to other bizarre happenings in the journalism world. Check out the hot pink paper The Lubbock Avalanche-Journal put out in honor of breast cancer awareness. I don't know how much awareness it brought to breast cancer, but it sure brought some attention to the newspaper. Wowzers! What do you think of that?!

Friday, October 10, 2008
Puppy Pampering (and I'm not talking diapers)
A vet tech once told me Bella must not realize what breed she is, since she's so sweet and calm and loving. Believe me, she has her hyper moments, which regularly include gnawing on the neck of a pit bull and jumping on my head while I'm trying to sleep. But she is a precious little thing and mostly very well behaved. And, like tonight's groomer noted, she likes to give kisses. Slurp!
Tomorrow she goes to the vet to get her bordatella treatment, which to my dismay resembles waterboarding. It's supposed to protect dogs from kennel cough. Instead of a shot, they squirt the medicine right up her little black nose. To her credit, she takes it stoically.
I haven't forgotten the epiphany. I'm letting it simmer so all the flavor soaks in.
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